Pause the Panic, Protect Your Assets
Debt review is your shield against legal action and repossession. Stop the threats, keep your car, and save your homeā€”all while taking control of your finances!

Is your vehicle or home about to be repossessed?

Have you received a section 129 letter or letter of demand?

Are you in arears with your repayments and need to do something before its too late?

Times are tough and missing payments on your debt has been something most South Africans have had to do to survive. However credit providers are legally able to repossess your asset if you have not made payment. If you have missed payments on your vehicle or house and you are worried about repossession taking place you need to urgently do our debt assessment.

A Section 129 Letter or a letter of demand should refer you to get assistance with your debt problems by a professional. This needs to be done BEFORE the credit provider takes legal action and proceeds to reposes your vehicle or house by issuing a summons.

Debt Counselling or Debt Review is the answer to so many consumers when they feel stuck with debt arrears or worried about their vehicle or house being reposessed.

At DCGsa, we assess your individual situation with a FREE ASSESMSENT and give you a solution that helps you secure your assets and fix your debt arrears.

    Let Us Contact You For
    Your Convenience

    Name (required)


    Email (required)


    I need assistance to stop repossession on my (House/Vehicles)

    I am interested in (Credit Insurance/Income Protector)

