High Cost of Living in East London South Africa
The Rising Cost of Rental Property in East London, South Africa: How to Take Back Control of Your Finances Renting property in East London, South Africa, is becoming an increasingly expensive endeavor. According to the latest statistics from property listing platforms, rental prices in East London have risen by an average of 9% in the past year. A modest three-bedroom home in a middle-class neighborhood now averages between R8,000 and R12,000 per month, while smaller [...]
Debt Review: Your Accountability Partner on the Journey to Financial Freedom
Debt Review: Your Accountability Partner on the Journey to Financial Freedom Let’s face it: getting your finances in shape is a lot like hitting the gym. Some days, you’re pumped to get those gains. Other days, the couch and a burger call your name. That’s why many people turn to personal trainers to keep them accountable and on track. Similarly, debt review acts like a personal trainer for your finances—keeping you disciplined, [...]
Single Moms Struggling with Finances – Tips and Tricks
Single Moms Struggling with Finances - Tips and Tricks The cost of living in South Africa continues to rise, leaving many households (including single moms struggling with finances) struggling to make ends meet. Inflation, stagnant wages, and unexpected financial burdens have created a perfect storm, particularly for families with children. Among these, mothers—and especially single mothers—face the most significant challenges. Whether they are raising children alone due to separation, divorce, or the loss of a [...]
Why the Form 19 Clearance Certificate Is Your Key to Financial Freedom
At DCGsa, we’re committed to helping consumers navigate the debt review process and regain control of their financial future. That’s why we’re proud to have been referenced in a recent article on News24 where we emphasized the importance of the Form 19 clearance certificate: Our Debt Counsellor, Casper le Grange was quoted in a recent News24 Articke - Money questions? Answered | How can I exit debt review? Or read what our Debt Counsellor has [...]
Wat om te doen as jy ’n Afdeling 129-kennisgewing ontvang.
Die Nasionale Kredietwet 34 van 2005 is ingestel om verantwoordelike uitleen te bevorder en verbruikers teen uitbuiting te beskerm. Een van die wet se belangrikste komponente is Afdeling 129, wat duidelike riglyne stel vir kredietverskaffers wanneer verbruikers nie hul betalings nakom nie. Hierdie artikel verduidelik wat ’n Afdeling 129-kennisgewing is, hoe dit jou raak, en hoe skuldberading jou kan help om jou finansiële situasie te herstel voordat dinge eskaleer. By DCGsa verstaan ons hoe [...]
Salem baby Care Centre Golf Fundraiser – Sponsorship Opportunities
Get Involved - Sponsorship Information for Salem Baby Care Centre Golf Fundraiser Win-win when it comes to sponsorship opportunities with this event. Be associated with this worthy cause while also gaining exposure for your brand. Each sponsorship package has its unique benefits. We are expecting 90 - 120 golfers to participate in this event and the one on one time your company will get with your target market is priceless. Over 50% [...]
Salem Baby Care Centre Golf Fundraiser Hosted by DCGsa – 4 Ball Booking
Tee Up for a Cause: 2025 Charity Golf Day Supporting Salem Baby Care Centre In a 4-ball alliance with 2 scores to count. Book your 4 Ball by the 10 February 2025 to receive your Shirt! Book your Golf Cart directly with the golf shop at East London Golf Club (this is not included in 4 Ball price) Your PAYMENT CONFIRMS YOUR BOOKING. [...]
Understanding Bankruptcy and Why Debt Review may be a Better Option
Understanding Bankruptcy in South Africa and Why Debt Review may be a Better Option. When faced with overwhelming debt, many South Africans consider bankruptcy as a way out. However, before taking this drastic step, it's essential to explore alternatives like debt review, debt consolidation, and debt counselling, offered by the best debt counselling company in Port Elizabeth / Gqeberha. These solutions can provide relief without the long-term consequences associated with bankruptcy. Debt review, in particular, [...]
Debt Review in East London: Why DCGsa Stands Out
Debt Review in East London: Why DCGsa Stands Out Since its inception on March 5, 2011, DCGsa (Debt Counselling Group South Africa) has been a beacon of hope for consumers seeking financial freedom in East London and beyond. Founded by Casper le Grange, who was the youngest debt counsellor in South Africa at the time, DCGsa has always been driven by a commitment to ethical practices, personalized service, and consumer empowerment. Casper began his journey [...]
Still Listed Under Debt Review!
Be Removed from Debt Review. Are you still listed under debt review? Do you want to know how to be removed from debt review? If you're unsure, we're here to help you check and guide you toward the next steps. Our goal is to assist consumers in becoming debt-free in a legal way that improves their credit profile without causing harm. Debt review is a powerful process to regain financial stability, but it's important to [...]
Your Trusted Debt Counsellor at DCGsa – Meet Casper le Grange.
What is a Debt Counsellor? Licensed Professional: Debt Counsellors are accredited under the National Credit Act to assist individuals with managing their debt. Financial Assessment: They evaluate your income, expenses, and debts to create a realistic repayment plan. Negotiator: They negotiate fair repayment terms with credit providers on your behalf. Legal Protection: Debt Counsellors provide legal protection from asset repossession and legal action by credit providers. Debt-Free Guidance: Their primary goal is to reduce financial [...]
Debt Review: Your Path to Financial Freedom with DCGsa
Are you searching for the best debt review company, an accredited debt review firm, or an ethical debt counsellor? Look no further than DCGsa, where we specialize in helping South Africans regain financial control through the debt review process. With over 15 years of industry experience, we are committed to delivering personalized and effective solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're struggling with high-interest rates, missed payments, or overwhelming debt, our team is here [...]